Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. plume : is believed to be the center of vertically rising convect cells assumed to be deep Earth's surface
  2. 4. / supercontinent that existed during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras
  3. 7. / a sudden violent shaking of the ground
  4. 8. ridge / a mountain range at the bottom of the ocean composed mostly of volcanoes and lava flows
  5. 13. : Theory of continental drift
  6. 14. drift / the gradual moment of the continents across the earths surface through geological time
  7. 15. spreading : the principle that the oceanic lithosphere spreads outward
  8. 16. plate boundary / the boundary between two colliding plates often associated with mountain building ocean trenches and volcanic island arcs
  9. 18. scale / a numerical scale for expressing the magnitude of an earthquake
  10. 19. section of the lithosphere that moves around Earths solid surface
  11. 20. mountains / mountains that are presently rising because they are at location of converging plates or at the site of a hot spot
  1. 1. tectonic theory /states that Earths lithosphere is divided into sections called that can move
  2. 3. plate boundary / a boundary at which plated slide by each other
  3. 5. plate boundary / the boundary between two plates that are spreading apart at a mid-ocean ridge or at continental rift zone
  4. 6. : the plate tectonic process in which one of the plates at a convergent boundary sinks under the other plate and eventually melts into the asthenosphere
  5. 9. spot : the site of volcanic activity
  6. 10. / a submarine mountain
  7. 11. waves /the energy waves given off by an earthquake
  8. 12. : an instrument used to detect and record seismic or earthquake
  9. 17. / Mountain or hill typically conical having a crater or vent through which lava rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust