Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. : old inert volcano
  2. 4. : push pull waves that travel in the directon that the waves travel
  3. 5. : the supercontinent
  4. 8. : a source of unpredictable, unplanned danger to people
  5. 9. : how thick a substance is
  6. 11. : the southern half of pangea
  7. 13. : what magma becomes once it reaches the earths surface
  8. 14. : lava with a rope like surface
  9. 15. : a form of closed lava tube that flows into water
  10. 21. : a channel that conveys a fluid
  11. 22. : A physical quantity characterized by measurement of both magnitude and direction.
  12. 23. : the boundries between plates
  13. 27. : a spot in the earth where volcanoes are more likely to form
  14. 28. : a fracture in the earths curst
  15. 29. : shows P waves, S waves and surface waves
  16. 30. : hottest layers of the earth
  17. 31. : the general term for all pyroclastic material
  18. 32. : cracks in the volcanoes crust
  19. 34. : non explosive eruptions volcano
  20. 37. : semi-rigid part of the middle mantle
  21. 38. : a tube formed by lava cooling and solidifying
  22. 39. : lava with a blocky rough surface
  23. 40. : top layer of the earth
  24. 41. : the point a earthquake originates from
  25. 43. : A black or dark-colored volcanic glass, usually of rhyolitic (felsic) composition.
  26. 44. : what happens when the earth plates move
  27. 46. : debris formed by a volcanic eruption
  28. 47. : what is made form melted rock
  29. 48. : plates pushing together
  30. 50. : where a plate sinks and slide under another plate
  31. 51. : crust and upper layer of the mantle
  32. 53. : the measure of the strength of and earthquake
  33. 54. : a volcano that is not active or inactive
  34. 55. : Roman God of fire and the forge, after whom volcanoes are named.
  35. 56. : Fine grained, dark, mafic igneous rock composed largely of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene.
  1. 2. : plates sliding horizontally past each other
  2. 3. : A large, circular depression in a volcanic area formed by eruption or collapse.
  3. 6. : 'lava' inside the volcano
  4. 7. : used to measure shaking amplitude of earth quakes
  5. 10. : most common type of volcano
  6. 12. : plates moving apart
  7. 16. : the study of earthquakes, seismic waves, and their propagation through the Earth.
  8. 17. : what comes after a earthquake
  9. 18. : The shape of the land surface.
  10. 19. : The pattern of elevation of the land surface.
  11. 20. : the gradual movement of earth continents
  12. 24. : the state a volcano erupts regularly
  13. 25. : the movement of a fluid, caused by different temperatures
  14. 26. : the northern half of pangea
  15. 33. : seismic waves that travel along the earth crust
  16. 35. : what the earth crust is sitting on
  17. 36. : A depression between two plates
  18. 42. ; moderately explosive volcano
  19. 45. : Point on Earth's surface directly above an earthquakes focus.
  20. 49. : areas of earths surface that magma and volcanic gasses pass through
  21. 52. : Solidified mass of rock where lava has cooled in vent
  22. 53. : bigger layer of the earth