plate tectonics

  1. 1. – when the earths crust is pushed up from its sides
  2. 4. tube – a tube formed by cooling and solidifying of the lava walls while fluid lava continued to flow inside
  3. 5. volcano – a volcano that is not very steep but can be big with non- explosive eruptions
  4. 6. – the scale which measures the magnitude of earthquakes
  5. 9. – the south side of Pangaea
  6. 10. – the line which rocks break and move
  7. 12. material – debris thrown from volcanos with viscous magma
  8. 16. – largest type of crust
  9. 19. – a form of closed lava tube (with a bulbous end) that forms when lava flows into water (e.g. a lake) and cools very rapidly
  10. 26. – the super continent
  11. 28. waves – the fastest travel waves with the greatest velocity
  12. 29. – an earthquake that occurs before a larger seismic event
  13. 30. waves – waves trapped near the surface, they are the slowest and most destructive
  14. 33. – occurs on the tectonic plate boundaries
  15. 34. – lava that is parcially cooled, low viscosity, thin (like water)
  16. 35. – plates pushing together
  17. 37. – plates pulling away from each other
  18. 39. cone volcano – a volcano small in size with steep slopes, moderately explosive with shot eruptions
  1. 2. – smallest type of crust
  2. 3. – the earths thickest layer
  3. 7. – plates sliding against each other
  4. 8. – lava with a high viscosity, blocky and rough
  5. 11. – semi rigid part of the mantle
  6. 13. vent – A point source of the Earth's surface through which lavas, pyroclastics, and gas are erupted.
  7. 14. – the earths thinnest layer
  8. 15. - the largest recorded shock
  9. 17. volcano – most common type of volcano, explosive eruptions and lava flow
  10. 18. – areas of the earths surface through which magma and volcanic gases pass
  11. 20. core – what layer of the earth is solid due to tremendous pressure
  12. 21. – the north side of Pangaea
  13. 22. – an earthquake that occurs after a larger seismic event
  14. 23. – the area on the ground directly above where an earthquake occurs
  15. 24. core – what layer of the earth is liquid state due to extremely high temperatures
  16. 25. – occurs in the middle of the plate tectonics
  17. 27. - hot fluid or semi-fluid material below or within the earth's crust from which lava and other igneous rock is formed on cooling.
  18. 30. waves – waves that travel along the worlds outer layers
  19. 31. – all material ejected from a volcano
  20. 32. – the spot underground where rock breaks causing an earthquake
  21. 36. – scientist behind the theory of the continental drift
  22. 38. vent - an opening in the side of a volcano through which volcanic materials (like lava, gases, and pyroclastic debris) erupt.