Plate Tectonics

  1. 5. Process of gaining lithospheric bits
  2. 7. Important fossil
  3. 10. Opened during break up of Pangaea
  4. 14. rides over asthenosphere
  5. 17. Pangaea
  6. 18. Volcanic chain formed by Subduction
  7. 19. Name of navy oceanographer discovered seafloor spreading
  8. 20. Divergent boundary in East Africa
  9. 21. Plate motion along San Andreas Fault
  10. 22. Plate motion at subduction zone
  1. 1. Geologically unique pieces of lithosphere
  2. 2. Found at the center of a midocean ridge
  3. 3. Primary rock of oceanic crust
  4. 4. Study of Earth's ancient magnetic field
  5. 6. Primary rock of continental crust
  6. 8. Process taking place at deep ocean trenches
  7. 9. Father of Continental Drift
  8. 11. plastic layer of upper mantle
  9. 12. Responsible for Hot Spots like Hawaii/Yellowstone
  10. 13. Formed by continental collision
  11. 15. Plate motion at midocean ridges
  12. 16. Lassen Peak and Shasta are part of this volcanic arc