Plate tectonics

  1. 5. San Andreas Fault line
  2. 6. Supercontinent that includes all current landmasses
  3. 8. Black rock that comes from volcanos
  4. 10. Very large aera of land
  5. 12. Theory of global tectonics
  6. 14. spreading: Process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges
  7. 15. Part of Earth were living thing exist
  8. 16. something caused by an earthquake
  9. 18. Remains or trace of a living thing
  1. 1. Relating to the ocean
  2. 2. German researcher geophysicst and metorologist
  3. 3. Shaking of the ground
  4. 4. Thick, dence layer of rock that underlines Earth's crust
  5. 7. slow movement of Earth's continents
  6. 9. Tectonic process
  7. 11. mountain which can burst any time
  8. 13. Large aera of land
  9. 17. Thin, outer portion of the Earth
  10. 19. Sound navigation and ranging