Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Earths deepest layer
  2. 4. A type of heat transfer
  3. 5. The ability to do work
  4. 8. Earth's outer skin
  5. 10. Forces that build up land
  6. 12. Forces that break down land
  7. 13. process where the ocean floor goes back into the mantle
  8. 14. Plates slide past each other
  9. 15. An ancient organism that's been preserved in rock
  10. 18. Process that continuously adds new material to the ocean floor
  11. 19. Super continent that Alfred Wegener named 250 million years ago
  12. 20. Where pieces of of Earth’s crust diverge on land
  1. 1. Where the ocean floor goes back into the mantle
  2. 3. Top layer of the mantle
  3. 6. Tectonic Plates split apart
  4. 7. Idea that continents slowly moved across Earth’s surface
  5. 9. Happen when earthquakes occur
  6. 11. Plates collide
  7. 16. Underwater Mountain ranges
  8. 17. Earth’s second layer
  9. 21. What’s produced from a transform boundary