Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. The Earth’s lithosphere is broken up into many _____________ plates.
  2. 6. This is the thickest layer of the Earth.
  3. 8. Rock formed from cooling magma.
  4. 9. An tremor that causes the earth to shake.
  5. 11. The area where two plates collide and one goes beneath the other and is destroyed.
  6. 12. These are mainly formed at transform boundaries.
  7. 14. This is the thinnest layer of the Earth.
  8. 15. The first hundred kilometers of the Earth is called ______.
  9. 19. These boundaries can cause subduction zones.
  10. 20. Spews ash and magma.
  1. 1. Two plates moving apart makes a ______ boundary.
  2. 2. Rock formed from Cementation and Compaction
  3. 3. The ______ is the less dense plate.
  4. 5. The center of the Earth.
  5. 7. When two tectonic _______ collide they can cause earthquakes.
  6. 10. Rock formed from heat and pressure.
  7. 13. Earthquakes and faults are mainly made at this boundary.
  8. 16. The _____ plate is denser than the continental plates.
  9. 17. A formation where two plates fold and go up.
  10. 18. Melted rock above ground.