Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. Largest plate in the world.
  2. 5. A tectonic process when plates move toward each other.
  3. 8. Boundaries between plates.
  4. 11. An area of rock that has been bent by stress.
  5. 12. Soft layer of the mantle.
  6. 13. Sub marine mountain ridges where new sea floor is created by sea floor spreasing.
  7. 15. The slope between the outer edge of the continental shelf and teh deep ocean floor.
  8. 16. A rock formation that is broken.
  9. 17. When one tectonic plate slides under another causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
  10. 18. Large movable segments of the lithosphere.
  11. 19. Outermost layer of earth.
  1. 1. A layer of earth that is between the crust and the core.
  2. 2. A tectonic process when plates move away from each other.
  3. 4. Super continent.
  4. 5. A form of pressure.
  5. 6. The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and the upper matle.
  6. 7. German scientist who first proposed the theory of continental drift.
  7. 9. The theory that continents are in constant motion on the surface of earth.
  8. 10. The center of earth.
  9. 14. Underwater landmass which extends from a continent.