Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. super continent proposed by Wegener
  2. 5. one plate will move under the other.
  3. 7. Ridge located near the center of the Atlantic Ocean pulls apart each year.
  4. 8. a point on the Earth's surface, not where the earthquake originates.
  5. 9. are mantle materials that are hotter than normal.
  6. 14. theory that explains how mountains form, why crustal plates move and where great earthquakes are likely to strike.
  7. 16. largest plate on Earth.
  8. 17. portion of the mantle that consists of extremely hot, plastic-like rock that is partially melted.
  9. 19. when oceanic crust sinks into the mantel and pulls the lithosphere
  10. 20. outermost and thinnest layer of the Earth's three zones
  1. 1. plates move in opposite but parallel directions along a fracture.
  2. 2. There are large and small plates that cover the Earth. Subduction zones form where these plates are recycled.
  3. 3. natural remnant magnetism in rock bodies
  4. 6. surrounds the core and is mostly solid rock.
  5. 10. believed to be what helps keep the plates moving.
  6. 11. It has a subduction zone, transform fault, and triple junction.
  7. 12. These faults occur where large blocks of land can be forced over the top of another block of land at a low angle.
  8. 13. motion of matter resulting in changes of temperature
  9. 15. when gravity causes the oceanic lithosphere to slide down the oceanic ridges
  10. 18. concentration of heat in the mantle that produces magma