Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. The very center of the Earth.
  2. 5. The 'super continent' that existed 200 billion years ago.
  3. 6. The spot at a divergent boundary where hot magma rises from the mantle and cools on the surface.
  4. 7. The layer of the Earth that contains the Upper Manlte and the Lower crust.
  5. 11. The zone at a convergent boundary where a plate is being destroyed.
  6. 12. The theory most scientists believe now where the Earth consists of several plates on it's crust that are always moving.
  7. 13. The part of the mantle where convection currents occur.
  8. 15. The type of plate that contains the planet's oceans.
  9. 16. The type of boundary where two plates are moving away from one another.
  10. 17. The type of plate that contains a continent.
  1. 1. The Earthquake intensity scale based on observation.
  2. 2. The type of heat transfer used in the mantle.
  3. 3. The type of boundary where two plates rub against one another, ofen causing an earthquake.
  4. 4. The idea that the continents were once one but have gradually moved apart.
  5. 8. Pieces of the Earth's Crust that float around on the mantle.
  6. 9. The outer layer of Earth.
  7. 10. The type of boundary where two plates are moving towards one another.
  8. 13. The scientist who first proposed the idea of continental drift.
  9. 14. The Earthquake intensity scale based on the measurement of instruments.
  10. 18. The material that makes up most of the core.