Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Where is the magma?
  2. 3. Found in Africa
  3. 6. rise and fall of a fluid due to temperature
  4. 10. Liquid rock
  5. 11. Sinking oceanic plate
  6. 12. Type of rock oceanic plates are made of
  7. 14. formed by convergent plate boundaries
  8. 15. Innermost layer of Earth
  1. 1. Often the aftermath of an earthquake
  2. 2. Change in magnetic polarity
  3. 4. Supercontinent
  4. 5. Posed Continental Drift Theory in 1912
  5. 6. These plates ride atop oceanic plates
  6. 7. Shake, shake, shake!
  7. 8. San Andreas Fault
  8. 9. Where is Alfred Wegener from?
  9. 13. Underwater mountains