Plate tectonics

  1. 3. theory that continents drift apart
  2. 4. the sinking of regions of earth's crust to lower elevations
  3. 5. solid dense center of the earth
  4. 7. a squeezing force
  5. 9. boundary between two plates that are sliding past each other
  6. 11. new lithosphere is created here
  7. 14. the rising of regions of earth's crust to higher elevations
  8. 15. the strong lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and outer core
  9. 16. piece of the lithosphere that moves on the asthenosphere
  10. 17. a region where a an oceanic plate sinks down into the asthenosphere
  11. 18. liquid layer of the earth's core
  1. 1. outermost,rigid layer of the earth
  2. 2. a break in the earths crust
  3. 3. boundary between two colliding plates
  4. 6. the bending of rock layers
  5. 8. a pulling force
  6. 10. layer between the crust and core
  7. 12. soft layer of the mantle
  8. 13. boundary between two plates moving away from each other
  9. 19. outermost layer of the earth