  1. 1. __________ _____________ occurs at spreading ridges where magma cools and hardens, pushing the older rock farther away
  2. 5. A divergent boundary found in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
  3. 7. These form when two continental plates move together
  4. 8. Plate boundary at which tectonic plates come together
  5. 9. Plate boundary at which tectonic plates slide past each other
  6. 10. When an oceanic plate subducts below a continental plate a deep underwater valley called a ___________ forms.
  7. 11. A ____________ valley commonly occurs when two continental plates move away from each other (hint: there is a famous example in Africa!)
  1. 2. Famous transform fault in California
  2. 3. __________ _____________ happens subduction zones where one plate is pulled underneath another
  3. 4. At the boundary between two oceanic plates a deep _________ ____________ forms
  4. 6. Plate boundary at which tectonic plates move apart
  5. 8. These currents occur in the mantle and help to drive plate movement