Plate Tectonics,Earthquakes, Volcanoes

  1. 2. large super continent that existed 250 million years ago.
  2. 6. Type of volcano that is almost entirely made of magma and lava
  3. 8. hot molten rock above the Earth's surface
  4. 9. the part of the Earth that contains most of Earth's mass
  5. 10. the part of the Earth that is made of iron and nickel
  6. 11. Small volcanoes made from ash and rocks.
  7. 15. area where magma from the mantle continually breaks through the crust
  8. 16. earths crust made of land
  9. 18. plates the two sub-layers of the earth that float causing volcanoes and Earth Quakes
  10. 20. a sudden and violent shaking of the Earth as a result of movements within the earth's crust
  1. 1. large pieces of Earth's crust that move due to convection currents
  2. 3. Volcanic gases can block out the sunlight causing what?
  3. 4. when two oceanic plates pull apart, magma rises and new crust is formed
  4. 5. earths crust located under the ocean
  5. 7. the composition of the magma determines its what of the volcano?
  6. 12. technical name for crust and upper mantle
  7. 13. Flows fast flowing clouds of hot ash and volcanic glass rolling down the mountainside
  8. 14. Explosive eruptions followed by outpourings of lava
  9. 17. A mountain that forms when magma is forced to the Earth's surface
  10. 19. hot fluid that is under the Earth's surface