Plato - Body and Soul

  1. 3. the argument that everything comes into being from its opposite and would not exist without that opposite (3 words)
  2. 5. the argument which says that because we know the universals we must have seen them before
  3. 6. possesses the ability to achieve an awareness of the realm of ideal forms
  4. 7. the theory that our minds are inseparable from our bodies
  5. 10. the arguemtn that states that the fact that we use language about ourselves which suggests a distinction
  6. 12. the physical component of each person which is trapped in a constant state of change
  7. 13. the theory that the body and mind exist separate from each other but are linked in some way
  1. 1. the body being interested in these kinds of pleasures
  2. 2. this man also criticised Plato by stating that identity comes from physical characteristics as well (2 words)
  3. 4. souls exist before birth and never die thus they are ...
  4. 8. the theory that our bodies are not real and simply an illusion and our minds are the only reality
  5. 9. this man challenged Plato's theory by claiming that not everything has an opposite (2 words)
  6. 11. the body wants to be involved in these kind of matters to do with the senses