Playground/Recess Expectations

  1. 3. This word is the root word for "inclusive"
  2. 6. follow ____ directions
  3. 7. Use equipment ____
  4. 11. what to listen for at the end of recess
  5. 12. should be respected (AKA do not pick up sticks)
  1. 1. Treating others how you would like to be treated is called the ____ rule
  2. 2. follow ____ rules of games played
  3. 4. return ____ equipment to the cart
  4. 5. be a ____ solver
  5. 8. To go back into the school building you need a ____
  6. 9. This word rhymes with "care" and is a way of being kind
  7. 10. remember to bring yours back inside after recess