Playing Around This Labor Day Weekend

  1. 3. LoanLogics director of transaction solutions is speaking at this fall MBA event
  2. 5. A ying and a yang, when it’s not a refi market, it’s usually this market – purchase
  3. 7. Automated data recognition technology is often highly trained by this type of repetitive learning
  4. 9. Doing this type of analysis during pre-funding reviews can help you identify red flags on a given loan prior to purchase
  5. 10. Acronym for a technology interface that helps two systems talk to one another seamlessly
  6. 11. This MBA foundation, celebrating 10 years this year, helps families stay in their homes
  7. 12. This agency requires independent annual reviews be performed on Members’ loans registered on its system
  1. 1. Term used to describe two entities doing business together. In MSR acquisition, for example
  2. 2. An affiliate of this private equity firm acquired LoanLogics in July 2021
  3. 4. LoanLogics coined this 2-word phrase as the solution to much of the industry’s challenges with balancing humans and technology (hint check our homepage)
  4. 6. This type of borrower has historically been difficult to underwrite
  5. 8. tool used by sellers looking to shop & price closed loan packages to mortgage aggregators