PLS Crossword

  1. 4. Brought an end to the Progressive Era
  2. 8. Theory of Government created by Adam Smith(-)
  3. 9. Board that placed protections for Unions
  4. 15. Rate of the total labor force that wants a full time job but does not have one
  5. 16. Process of carrying out public policy
  6. 18. Set up to regulate railroads and their pricing
  7. 21. Total market value of all goods and services produced
  8. 22. Act that gave financial incentive to limit production on produce
  9. 23. Supply Side Theory often called ___ by supporters
  10. 26. The United States has a ___ free enterprise economic system
  1. 1. Congress and/or the ___ must pass policy adoptions
  2. 2. Theory that focuses on DEMAND for goods and services
  3. 3. Amendment regulating income tax
  4. 5. Act that created minimum wage, maximum hour, and banned child labor
  5. 6. Governments role to promote the general ___
  6. 7. Technique appealing to people’s “better instincts”
  7. 10. 5th step in the public policy making process
  8. 11. Name of policies spending and taxing decisions
  9. 12. Found deficit spending by the government is necessary at times.
  10. 13. Found competition and the laws of supply and demand would control behavior
  11. 14. Determining whether a course of action is achieving its intended goals
  12. 17. Policies controlling the money supply
  13. 19. Rate of the increase in the price of goods and services
  14. 20. Deregulated in 1996 allowing companies to own an unlimited # of stations
  15. 24. Offering payoffs or other financial inducements to comply
  16. 25. ___ Setting forming the list of issues to be addressed by government