Pls work

  1. 4. Old and tiresome
  2. 6. Disorderly crowd
  3. 7. Naive and unsophisticated female
  4. 8. A face meant for television
  5. 12. Reprimand-able
  6. 15. Playful
  7. 16. Renovation
  8. 17. The act of throwing someone out of the window
  9. 20. Act of preaching
  10. 21. Rob
  11. 25. Undisciplined
  12. 26. Thief
  13. 27. Wine Taster
  14. 29. Unexpected
  15. 31. Morally Right attitude
  1. 1. Reaffirm
  2. 2. Lessen
  3. 3. Enter forcefully
  4. 4. Prophetic
  5. 5. Turn to Dust
  6. 9. Negative Approach
  7. 10. Strongly Influenced
  8. 11. A person who dislikes humankind and avoids society
  9. 13. Shining
  10. 14. Mythical creature with the body of a lion face of a man and sting of a scorpion
  11. 18. Throwback
  12. 19. Smell
  13. 22. State of disuse
  14. 23. Excuse oneself
  15. 24. Late evening; almost night
  16. 28. Lead to as a result (of)
  17. 30. Analysis