Plural Words: Consonant-y

  1. 4. Treats of the unusual kind.
  2. 5. things that have happened to you.
  3. 8. To find new things is to make...
  4. 10. Tales.
  5. 12. New born human beings.
  6. 14. Different types.
  7. 15. Where you record your thoughts over the years.
  8. 16. Formal term for more than one woman.
  1. 1. People who want to hurt you.
  2. 2. Groups of people working together.
  3. 3. Strange things.
  4. 6. You might look in these books for a spelling.
  5. 7. Areas of land where people live.
  6. 9. Business firms.
  7. 11. Rooms or buildings that show works of art.
  8. 13. Gatherings of people to celebrate.