Poetic Terms

  1. 4. He sat still as a mouse, hoping that whatever it was might go away.
  2. 5. I'm going to die of embarrassment
  3. 8. the way that the speaker or narrator feels about a subject
  4. 10. Rain pitter-patters, drip-drops, and rat-a-tats on the tin roof.
  5. 13. The tired old car coughed and wheezed down the street.
  6. 15. the repetition of the same or similar vowel sounds.
  7. 17. a fourteen line poem with a fixed rhyme scheme
  8. 18. ________ are the poetry what paragraphs are to prose
  1. 1. The pattern of rhymes in a poem; AABBCC ; ACAB ; ABAC
  2. 2. The blustery breeze blew my blues away.
  3. 3. In The Lord of the Rings, the One Ring is a _________ for power, selfishness, and greed.
  4. 6. poetry that does not rhyme
  5. 7. Parting is such sweet sorrow/That I shall say good night till it be morrow
  6. 9. Religion, art, and science are branches of the same tree
  7. 11. the overall feeling or atmosphere of a piece of literature
  8. 12. a reference to a popular or well-known work, like Shakespeare or the Bible
  9. 14. using sensory language to conjure images in the reader's mind
  10. 16. the unit of rhythm or the pattern of the beats in poetry