pokemon but draconic

  1. 2. Dragon/Flying, The Dragon Pokemon, Hoenn
  2. 6. Fighting/Dragon, The Paradox Pokemon
  3. 8. Dragon/Water, The Mimicry Pokemon
  4. 10. Ground/Dragon, The Mystic Pokemon
  5. 12. Grass/Dragon, The Coconut Pokemon
  6. 15. Dragon/Flying, The Humming Pokemon
  7. 16. Dragon/Normal, The Mount Pokemon
  8. 17. Fire/Dragon, The Flame Pokemon
  9. 18. Electric/Dragon, The Paradox Pokemon
  10. 19. Fire/Dragon, The Blast Turtle Pokemon
  11. 20. Dark/Dragon, The Brutal Pokemon
  12. 24. Rock/Dragon, The Despot Pokemon
  13. 26. Dragon, The Dragon Pokemon, middle evolution, Kanto
  14. 28. The Axe Jaw Pokemon, middle evolution
  15. 30. Dragon, The Rock Head Pokemon
  16. 31. Dragon/Ghost, The Stealth Pokemon
  17. 32. Dragon, The Dragon Orb Pokemon
  18. 33. Dragon/Psychic, The Eon Pokemon, female
  19. 35. Dragon/Ghost, The Lingering Pokemon
  20. 36. Ghost/Dragon, The Renegade Pokemon
  21. 37. Steel/Dragon, The Temporal Pokemon
  22. 39. Water/Dragon, The Spatial Pokemon
  23. 40. Dragon, The Axe Jaw Pokemon, final evolution
  24. 41. Dragon/Fighting, The Scaly Pokemon, final evolution
  25. 42. Dragon, The Endurance Pokemon
  26. 43. Flying/Dragon, The Sound Wave Pokemon, final evolution
  27. 46. Dragon, The Tusk Pokemon
  28. 49. Dragon/Ground, The Cave Pokemon
  29. 50. Electric/Dragon, The Light Pokemon
  30. 52. Dragon, The Soft Tissue Pokemon, middle evolution
  31. 53. Dragon/Fire, The Vast White Pokemon
  32. 54. Dragon/Ice, The Ice Fin Pokemon (middle evo)
  33. 56. Dragon/Psychic, The Eon Pokemon, male
  34. 57. Poison/Dragon, The Mock Kelp Pokemon
  35. 58. Dark/Dragon, The Irate Pokemon
  36. 59. Dragon/Ice, The Boundary Pokemon
  37. 60. Dragon/Electric, The Deep Black Pokemon
  38. 61. Water/Dragon, The Dragon Pokemon
  39. 63. Dragon/Ice, The Ice Dragon Pokemon
  40. 64. Dark/Dragon, The Junkivore Pokemon
  41. 65. Dragon, The Dragon Pokemon, first evolution, Kanto
  1. 1. Dragon/Fighting, The Scaly Pokemon, middle evolution
  2. 3. Rock/Dragon, The Royal Heir Pokemon
  3. 4. Dragon/Ground, The Order Pokemon
  4. 5. Normal/Dragon, The Placid Pokemon
  5. 7. Dark/Dragon, The Hostile Pokemon
  6. 9. Ground/Dragon, The Vibration Pokemon
  7. 11. Dragon, The Dragon Pokemon, Kalos
  8. 13. Psychic/Dragon, The Prism Pokemon
  9. 14. Dragon/Flying, The Sky High Pokemon
  10. 21. Water/Dragon, The Fossil Pokemon
  11. 22. Dragon/Ghost, The Caretaker Pokemon
  12. 23. Dragon, The Cave Pokemon
  13. 25. Poison/Dragon, The Poison Pin Pokemon
  14. 27. Dragon, The Soft Tissue Pokemon, first evolution
  15. 28. Dragon/Ice, The Ice Fin Pokemon (pre-evo)
  16. 29. Grass/Dragon, The Apple Nectar Pokemon
  17. 31. Dragon/Flying, The Dragon Pokemon, Kanto
  18. 34. Grass/Dragon, The Apple Core Pokemon
  19. 35. Electric/Dragon, The Fossil Pokemon
  20. 38. Dragon/Ground, The Land Shark Pokemon
  21. 44. Flying/Dragon, The Sound Wave Pokemon, first evolution
  22. 45. Poison/Dragon, The Gigantic Pokemon
  23. 47. Dragon, The Scaly Pokemon, first evolution
  24. 48. Dragon/Dark, The Paradox Pokemon
  25. 51. Grass/Dragon, The Apple Wing Pokemon
  26. 55. Grass/Dragon, The Forest Pokemon
  27. 58. Steel/Dragon, The Alloy Pokemon
  28. 62. Dragon/Ground, The Mach Pokemon