  1. 1. A Pokemon that can explode and use earthquake and its a gourd and rock type.
  2. 2. A Pokemon that is Fighting,Fire type and it can also Mega Evolve.
  3. 5. A Pokemon that is Water and it can use a move hydro pump.
  4. 7. A Pokemon that can fly and breath fire.
  5. 8. A Pokemon Which is a psychic type and its a legendary.
  6. 9. A Pokemon which is a poison,grass type Pokemon and it can use solar beam.
  7. 11. A Pokemon which can use a abiliti called torrent.
  1. 1. A Pokemon that can levitate and it can use Hypnosis,ShadowBall,DreamEater and its weakness is Ghost,Dark,Psychic and its a Ghost,Poison type Pokemon.
  2. 3. A Pokemon that holds two spoons on his both hands and is a Psychic type and it can teleport and its move are Psychic,Recover,PsychoCut and its weakness is Ghost,Dark,Bug.
  3. 4. A Ground,Ice type Pokemon that can climb snowy mountains.
  4. 6. A Pokemon that is a Dark,Rock and it can also Mega Evolve and it moves are SandStorm,Crunch,ThunderFang,ThunderPunch.
  5. 10. A Pokemon which can levitate and is a Psychic type and its a very rare Pokemon