Political parties/VA Voter Qualifications/Types of Economies/Duties,responsibilities,and Rights of citizens

  1. 3. liberal,higher taxes,More social programs
  2. 6. Vote,respect other's rights, volunteer to help
  3. 10. type of economy where you have the same occupation as your parents
  4. 11. only citizens that do this can vote
  5. 13. Voting district
  6. 16. pay taxes,obey laws,serve in military if drafted,attend school
  7. 17. freedom of which you may gather in a peaceful fashion
  1. 1. freedom of which you may write any thing you want
  2. 2. conservative,lower taxes,"traditional" family values
  3. 4. Where you vote
  4. 5. freedom of which you may practice any religion of your choice
  5. 7. freedom of which you may protest against any thing
  6. 8. Rarely win elections, but can draw votes from other parties
  7. 9. A type of economy that is a mix of Command and Market
  8. 12. freedom of which you may speak your mind without being persecuted
  9. 14. type of economy controlled mostly by the government
  10. 15. type of economy where the individuals are mostly in control