Polser Staff
- 1. Not Jenny from the block
- 4. The first three letters of her first name are the same as the first three letters of her last name
- 7. What the chicken does to the road
- 9. Only staff member with a U and a Z in her last name
- 10. Her last name is a shade of green
- 11. If you change the last letter of her name, she is a duck
- 13. The J in her name sure sounds like a Y to us
- 15. Not a president who had a very bad day in Dallas
- 16. Not the ugly duckling
- 19. Rearrange the letters in her name to spell “hob knee"
- 20. She is _______ at heart
- 21. Her name is a kind of diamond
- 24. Not Alec Baldwin’s ex
- 26. Not one of the stars of the Women’s World Cup soccer team
- 28. The last half of her name is a TV serial killer
- 30. If you stick an N in the exact middle of her last name, you have a sweet treat
- 31. Not the leader of Cuba
- 32. Was not told “Show me the money!"
- 33. The letters in her name could spell “cables” or “tables”
- 34. Her last name has at least three silent letters in it
- 35. One of our more recent hires, chosen because we collect ‘Mc’ names
- 36. If she calls, take your darn attendance
- 40. Will name her child after whichever boy has the most discipline referrals
- 41. Could also be named Breezebacon
- 44. The two halves of her last name are synonyms of each other
- 45. Not a TV ratings system
- 46. One of our new staff members who is a precious stone
- 47. Rearrange the letters in her name to spell “upland"
- 48. According to Google, an electronics lab in North Carolina
- 2. Her name is not also an unpronouncable symbol
- 3. Her name rhymes with what she does
- 5. And Wesson
- 6. Not a Mexican comedian
- 8. Rhymes with a popular brand of canned produce
- 12. Not a famous basketball player named Dominique
- 14. Only teachers whose last name begins with an ‘I'
- 15. Is more keel than you
- 16. You can make the word 'tigress' with the letters in her name (with one letter left over)
- 17. Not a Halloween serial killer
- 18. This one is a first name, not the star of Pretty Woman
- 22. One of our new staff members who is a precious stone
- 23. Not the guitarist of Aerosmith
- 25. She has a season in her name
- 27. Barely one shade, if that
- 29. Not the coach of the Cowboys
- 33. Rearrange the letters in her name to say, “I like CB."
- 37. According to her name, she has trouble holding a drink without making a mess
- 38. Her name means “to take an unfair share of something"
- 39. Not the quarterback of the Houston Texans
- 41. Whatt Spidermann makess
- 42. A nice way to avoid swearing
- 43. Not a Simpsons character who always said, “Hi, I’m Troy __________."
- 49. If she became a general, she’d be the car on the Dukes of Hazzard