Pope John Style

  1. 3. Homecoming queen.
  2. 4. Pope Johns ______ team is looking for a repeat in the HWS and a shot at the Non- Public A Championship title.
  3. 6. Girls Volley Ball coach
  4. 7. Cheeleading coach?
  5. 10. English 1 teacher that played football, baseball and also wrestled
  6. 11. Who do we have to find in the school news paper.
  7. 13. If you are ask to leave you will be sent____.(Famous words of Mr. Bello)
  8. 15. Boys soccer coach
  1. 1. Wave/The football team is on a winning streak going into there last game against the(Nickname)
  2. 2. Girls Soccer coach
  3. 5. Pope john Football took home the away win against our rivals the Sparta____?
  4. 8. Pope Johns mascot.
  5. 9. Wrestling Captain
  6. 11. Bosco/Pope Johns Baseball team lost last year in the Non- Public a quarter finals to_____?
  7. 12. Pope John ____ team is playing Hunterdon Center for the HWS Championship on October 27, 2012
  8. 14. The New Hockey Coaches name is?