Population and Migration

  1. 3. one of the push factors of migration is _____ and violence - example 2018 caravan
  2. 6. _____ opportunity is a pull factor to migration where money or a job pulls people to move there
  3. 9. The worldwide _____ rate is a 8 per 1000 population
  4. 11. someone who is moving to a different country
  5. 12. _____ reunification is a pull factor to migration which reunites a family
  6. 14. after the _____ famine many Irish people moved to the united states
  7. 15. The _____ rate, which is the number of births per each death is 2 births per death
  8. 17. could be a displaced person or asylum seeker
  9. 18. seeker someone who has left their homes for political reasons or social reasons
  10. 19. education ______ is a pull factor for migration where a person goes for school
  11. 21. in search for higher paying _____ Mexican residents began to migrate to the U.S.
  12. 22. backlash to _____ migration was barred citizenship for this group of people
  13. 23. person someone forced to leave their home because of war or natural disasters
  14. 24. one of the push factors of migration is _____ disasters, disease, famine
  15. 26. The worldwide _____ rate is at 19 per 1000 population
  16. 28. type of migration where people move from the country side to the city
  1. 1. developed countries have _____ Populations because there are less kids being born and the adults are living longer
  2. 2. Backlash to _____ migration was racism and an increasing difficulty to immigrate legally into the U.S.
  3. 4. type of migration where people go back to their original homes
  4. 5. The current world ______ is at 7.6 billion
  5. 6. someone who leaves a country to go to another
  6. 7. one of the push factors of migration is _____ rights abuses
  7. 8. because of a(n) _____ population the Chinese were pushed from their country
  8. 9. ____ countries have high population growth rates because of Income/wealth inequality, Inadequate education, Low rates of contraception (medical access, affordability, education, and cultural reasons) Focus on having larger families (cultural views and economic need
  9. 10. type of migration where people are in a place temporarily because of bad conditions in home country
  10. 13. one of the push factors of migration is _____ resettlement
  11. 16. type of migration where people move usually to follow crops
  12. 20. someone who moves to a different country to live permanently
  13. 25. developed countries have ____ birth rates because of an increase in women working as well as higher education and people using contraception
  14. 27. the backlash of _____ migration was an unskilled population of unwanted people who were no longer needed after the jobs died down and were seen not to conform to american standards