Population Dencity

  1. 3. Bringing water to drought areas
  2. 4. Slum in India
  3. 5. People living on the streets in Calcutta
  4. 8. ..../../..../..... due to high population
  5. 14. Poor people on the coast of Hong Kong live on....
  6. 15. Richest island in Hong kong
  7. 17. Largest desert in the world
  1. 1. Living with hardly any people due to low population density
  2. 2. Tall apartments in Hong Kong
  3. 6. When land is overworked it leads to....
  4. 7. A country completely surrounded by land
  5. 9. Cities with high population density results in...
  6. 10. This causes global warming
  7. 11. The countryside district of Hong Kong
  8. 12. A poor area usually due to high population
  9. 13. Capital of India
  10. 16. River in India