population vocab

  1. 2. the number of deaths yearly per 1,000 people in pop.
  2. 3. a British economist of the late 1700's
  3. 4. the level of development that can be maintained with out depleting resources
  4. 8. the scientific study of pop. characteristics
  5. 9. the shape of a pop. graph when growing exponentially
  6. 10. government policies designed to reduce the rate of natural increase
  7. 13. too many people in one place to resources
  8. 15. the average number of children a woman has
  1. 1. the rate people die
  2. 5. a drop or decrease in a regions population
  3. 6. CBR-CDR=NIR
  4. 7. the number of live births yearly per 1,000 people in pop.
  5. 11. a complete enumeration of a pop.
  6. 12. where natural birth rate declines to equal cuu-de birth rate and that natural rate of pop. approaches 0
  7. 14. the total number of deaths in a year among infants under 1 year old for every 1,000 births