Porifera Vocabulary

  1. 2. A type of cell in asconoid sponges through which water enters the spongocoel
  2. 4. An excurrent opening of a sponge
  3. 6. Fibrous collagenous material forming the skeletal network of demosponges
  4. 7. canals leading directly from the outside to the interior
  5. 10. One of the minute calcareous or siliceous skeletal bodies found in sponges, radiolarians, soft corals, and sea cucumbers
  6. 12. A cell with amoeba like movement of form
  7. 13. Asexual, cystelike reproductive unit in freshwater sponges; formed in summer or autumn and capable of overwintering
  8. 14. (singular ostium) One of the holes on a sponge
  1. 1. A type of canal system in certain sponges
  2. 3. one of the flagellated collar cells that line cavities and canals of sponges
  3. 5. (Pinacocyte) The outer nonvascular layer layer of skin of ectodermal origin in invertebrates a single layer of ectodermal epithelium
  4. 8. Permanently attached or established unable to move sponge
  5. 9. (Mesenchyme) Embryonic connective tissue irregular or amebocytic cells often embedded in gelatinous matrix/ Gelatinous matrix surrounding sponge cells
  6. 11. Type of canal system in sponges where choanocytes reside in chambers