Post-SBA Crossword

  1. 4. Feeder High School for KaMS
  2. 5. The app responsible for the downfall of this generations youth.
  3. 8. "Rays move in..."
  4. 10. The capital of India
  5. 12. Name of the the main character (season 1) in Mr. Majewski's favorite anime.
  6. 14. How many cups of water you should drink in one day.
  7. 15. _________, son of Arathorn.
  8. 16. The Avengers
  9. 17. Red, White, and ________
  10. 18. "C is for ________, that's good enough for me!"
  11. 19. Watermelon ____________
  1. 1. The last name of the coolest LA/SS teacher around.
  2. 2. Acted like a literal cat at the Met Gala last weekend.
  3. 3. Where 8th graders go to check their phones at school.
  4. 6. Our school.
  5. 7. "I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was," are lyrics to this shows theme song.
  6. 9. Mr. Majewski's favorite soda.
  7. 11. Majewski's favorite genre of music.
  8. 13. A real phone.
  9. 14. When he was young, Mr. Majewski used to eat these pink, rubbery objects found on the back of a pencil
  10. 17. A musical class in DnD who uses charisma as their spell casting modifier.