Posterior Pituitary Quarles Endo2

  1. 2. class of diuretics used to treat nephrogenic DI
  2. 9. measurement taken every morning by the nurse for volume status.
  3. 12. result of untreated severe dehydration
  4. 13. monitor this VS for signs of hypovolemia
  5. 14. frequent urination caused by Diabetes Insipidus.
  6. 15. can be severe if oral fluid intake cannot keep up with urinary losses.
  7. 16. the pattern DI follows after surgery that ends in permanent DI.
  8. 18. treatment for nephrogenic DI
  9. 19. hormone replacement medication of choice for central DI
  1. 1. diagnostic test for DI testing the urine concentration
  2. 3. result on electrolyte due to loss of pure water causing increased serum osmolality.
  3. 4. differential diagnostic test to determine Central DI
  4. 5. increased blood concentration due to pure water loss
  5. 6. increased thirst caused by Diabetes Insipidus.
  6. 7. Caused by a lack of production or secretion of ADH or a decreased renal responses to ADH
  7. 8. the two things at the heart of central DI treatment.
  8. 10. how many types of Diabetes Insipidus are there
  9. 11. IVF given in DI to replace urine output
  10. 17. How many liters can a DI patient put out per day.spell the numbers out.