Power and Prayer 2-24-16 King James Version

  1. 3. Heb. 4:16 Let us therefore come ______ unto the throne of grace
  2. 5. Matt. 18:19 if _____ of you agree on earth
  3. 6. Ps. 145:18 The Lord is ______ unto all that call upon Him
  4. 8. Matt 7:8 For everyone that asketh, _______
  5. 11. Heb. 4:16 that we may obtain mercy and find _____ to help in time of need
  6. 12. 2 Cor. 1:21 Now He which ________ us with you in Christ
  7. 16. Eph. 1:17 the spirit of ________ and revelation
  8. 18. Prov. 15:29 He heareth the prayer of the _______
  9. 20. Rom. 8:26 but the Spirit itself maketh ______
  10. 23. 1 Thes. 5:18 in everything give _______
  11. 24. Ps. 145:19 He will fulfil the ____ of them that fear Him
  12. 25. Ps. 38:15 Thou wilt ______ O Lord my God
  1. 1. John 16:24 that your ____ may be full
  2. 2. Ps. 34:4 I ______ the Lord and He heard me
  3. 4. Isaiah 40:29 He giveth _________to the faint
  4. 7. Acts 1:8 and ye shall be ________ unto Me
  5. 9. Eph. 3:6 according to the riches of His glory to be __________
  6. 10. Ps. 34:15 His _____are open unto their cry
  7. 13. 2 Cor. 12:9 My grace is _________ for thee
  8. 14. Job 22:27 He shall hear thee and thou shalt pay thy _______
  9. 15. Matt. 7:7 _____ and it shall be opened unto you
  10. 17. Luke 18:1 men ought always to pray and not to ______
  11. 19. 1 Thes. 5:17 Pray without _____
  12. 21. Luke 10:19 over all the power of the _______
  13. 22. 2 Tim. 1:7 For God hath not given us a spirit of ______