PPB 0035.14 - Mobile Computing

  1. 1. Internet standard that has security vulnerabilities.
  2. 3. Security __________ must be in place prior to its implementation.
  3. 8. Health information stored or captured by clinicians or if it is communicated to a healthcare provider who uses it to deliver care is governed by what law (i.e. PHIPA)?
  4. 9. To support a facility’s functional needs for staying connected to a network, __________ points are created.
  5. 12. Other than tracking health records, what is the other challenge for HIM professionals when these information are residing on mobile devices?
  6. 18. Applications used in mobile devices allow healthcare providers and patients to access to __________ test results, medical records, and reference materials.
  7. 21. What are used for storing addresses, organizing tasks, and scheduling functions?
  8. 22. __________ or Wi_Fi is the technology used to connect devices and computers together.
  9. 25. These devices, known as mobile healthcare computing devices or abbreviated __________, range from the size of a cell phone with a tiny screen to tablets.
  10. 28. This must be required to access a mobile device.
  11. 30. Evolution in mobile technology and the use of wireless networks has opened many doors to support mHealth, however, mobile devices may also provide challenges such as ___________ and data loss.
  12. 31. mhealth refers to the use of mobile and __________ devices to improve healthcare.
  13. 35. Wifi access provides clinicians with more mobility and what?
  14. 37. The use of mobile devices is an important ___________ that Infoway believes can address several of the key challenges facing the healthcare system.
  15. 39. Health information generated by a mobile device that uses medical records for situations such as audits, health research, and information reporting are what type of applications?
  16. 41. Typically, clinicians use cellular phones and __________ for communication.
  17. 42. A study found that approximately __________ of physicians had increased productivity with the use of this technology in the hospital setting.
  18. 43. Healthcare organizations would need to outline the ____________ and acceptable uses of mobile devices that capture and store clinical information.
  19. 45. If a healthcare organization is implementing mHealth into their system, they must take ownership and the possibility of device loss or ___________ into consideration.
  20. 47. According to Canada Health Infoway (Infoway), Clinicians want portable, __________, and useful tools to assist them in their practice.
  21. 48. In order to evolve to address their privacy and security considerations, healthcare organizations must put out ___________ and regulation.
  1. 2. mHealth can be downloaded by consumers from provider portals or by health providers to collect, record and report information either manually or via interfaces with what devices?
  2. 4. What must clinicians search for to achieve the most effective application(s) for their myriad of needs?
  3. 5. What will be harmonized with mHealth’s initiatives and directions in the short and long-term once policies are implemented?
  4. 6. Policies would need to address mobile device ____________.
  5. 7. The most popular connection is __________ that allows high speed transfer.
  6. 10. Remotely monitoring hospital patients or the elderly can free up much needed what in hospitals and nursing homes?
  7. 11. mHealth has the potential to benefit society in a number of ways, such as cutting the costs of providing healthcare, maintaining and improving __________ of care, and reaching patients in remote locations.
  8. 13. Intermittently connected MHCD’s pose what great risk?
  9. 14. __________ can also be used as a tool for patients to manage appointments, renew prescriptions, or view medical records.
  10. 15. With this implementation, practitioners can access the hospital’s internet guidelines in what way?
  11. 16. The term __________ health has become visible as a new capability of information management within health delivery organizations (HDOs).
  12. 17. Where should policy makers and program managers need to be aware of privacy security issues to ensure appropriate policies and strategies are developed and implemented?
  13. 19. Studies predict mHealth has the potential to reduce the __________ burden of healthcare delivery for clinicians by 20 to 30 percent.
  14. 20. The functional categories of MHCDs each have different requirements for __________, security, communication, and systems integration.
  15. 23. mHealth is also part of an organization’s ___________ health record and is subject to requests for disclosures, subpoenas, and e-discovery.
  16. 24. It is also empowering the elderly by providing them with __________involvement in their treatment.
  17. 26. What type of devices do practitioners use in order to access databases, drug details, or drug reactions?
  18. 27. What must be replaced in order for information updates to be done?
  19. 29. Message ___________ security and data storage security can put citizen information at risk if the necessary precautions are not taken.
  20. 32. The use of these technologies can __________ healthcare costs by supporting care delivery, promoting healthy behavior changes in patients, and transforming the caregiver-to-patient and care-giver-to caregiver relationships.
  21. 33. Many functions that can be performed and being ported to mobile platforms are using what kind of clinical information system?
  22. 34. To avoid problems, assessing the validity of the quality of mHealth applications should include privacy, security, ___________, and content features.
  23. 36. Many challenges include preventing unauthorized access to, ensuring that it is not stored on a mobile device, and particularly dealing with what kind of sensitive patient information?
  24. 37. Physicians are increasingly using smartphones which allows them to access medical resources in order to support __________ based decision making.
  25. 38. mHealth implementers must pay attention to storage issues and the concept of the extensive amount of health data being generated is called?
  26. 40. mHealth also has the potential to reduce the per __________ cost of healthcare, while simultaneously maintaining or improving care quality.
  27. 44. What control concerns are related to these mobile devices that must be dealt with and resolved?
  28. 46. Policies may be involved in how mobile devices are handled when the information they contain may become involved in what potential legal action?