
  1. 2. Someone who moves around in search of food or in search of grazing for livestock.
  2. 7. Catal Huyuk was in this modern-day country
  3. 8. A mark that begins at one point and continues for a certain distance
  4. 9. The theme of geography that asks the question "Where EXACTLY on Earth are you?"
  5. 10. This was the first walled city.
  6. 13. The belief that every creature or earthly object has a spirit
  7. 14. The theme of geography that asks the question "How do humans influence the environment, and how does the environment influence humans?"
  8. 16. The theme of geography that asks the question "How do people, things, and ideas get from place to place?"
  9. 17. The science or practice of farming, including the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.
  1. 1. Taming a plant or animal for human use
  2. 3. The theme of geography that asks the question "What does the land look like? What is the terrain and climate?"
  3. 4. A highly developed culture
  4. 5. People who live chiefly by hunting, fishing, and harvesting wild food.
  5. 6. The theme of geography that asks the question "What is the culture like here? What do the people do?"
  6. 9. The cave system in France where the earliest cave paintings were found
  7. 11. A line drawn around a shape to outline it (Hint: Think makeup!)
  8. 12. The buildings in this city were built right next to each other, and had hatches in the roofs to go inside.
  9. 15. Shapes can either be geometric or _____.