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  1. 3. what is typically the cause of a secondary pph
  2. 5. birthing the baby by this traction is an option for relieving shoulder dystocia
  3. 8. a risk factor for shoulder dystocia
  4. 9. what is considered hypertensive at 140
  5. 11. what is the first vital sign to change when a person's condition is deteriorating?
  6. 13. saves lives in the case of cardiac arrest
  7. 14. what is the second leading cause of pph
  8. 15. saves lives in the case of cardiac arrest
  9. 16. blood loss over 500mls following the birth of the baby
  10. 18. one theory around why the baby of a women with diabetes may be more prone to shoulder dystocia
  11. 20. 30 to 2
  1. 1. part of section 88 that exists to guide safe care of women and babies
  2. 2. the fluid to be given in the case of primary pph according to the national consensus guidelines
  3. 4. leading cause of maternal death
  4. 6. also known as suprapubic pressure
  5. 7. what condition contraindicates the use of syntometrine
  6. 10. consider applying this is bleeding is not stopped with fundal pressure and uterotonics
  7. 12. the recommended first line treatment for actice 3rd stage
  8. 17. normal respiratory rate for a well newborn
  9. 19. the rate of chest compressions to ventilations in neonatal resuscitation