Pregnancy and Lactation

  1. 2. ________ drugs are poorly transferred across the placenta.
  2. 4. Drug absorption is _________ in pregnancy.
  3. 8. What is the fetomaternal organ?
  4. 10. What happens to a patient's blood volume during pregnancy?
  5. 11. What medication can be given off-label to increase milk production?
  6. 13. What is the antigen isotype that can easily cross the placenta?
  7. 16. High blood pressure disorder associated with pregnancy
  8. 19. What hormone is highest right before delivery?
  9. 21. What is a medication that can be used to prevent seizures during pregnancies.
  10. 22. Nursing inhibits _________.
  11. 23. What is condition that occurs in mothers during childbirth?
  1. 1. This term refers to male breast development
  2. 3. Risk of permanent tooth staining in infant
  3. 5. _____ diabetes is glucose intolerance during pregnancy.
  4. 6. Neurotransmitter that decreases prolactin secretion
  5. 7. Why is TSH decreased during pregnancy?
  6. 9. Factors that cause embryonic malformations
  7. 12. What is the period of weeks 1-8 of gestation?
  8. 14. Location of fertilization.
  9. 15. How much alcohol is safe for the fetus?
  10. 17. what oral diabetes class of medications do not cross the placenta?
  11. 18. Cell that releases HCG prior to placental development.
  12. 20. How is maternal blood pH affected by pregnancy?