pregnancy problems

  1. 1. hormone produced in the pancreas, lack of insulin causes diabetes.
  2. 2. acid: a form of the water soluble vitamin bq.
  3. 3. palate: a physical split or opening in the roof of the mouth
  4. 5. abortion: lining of the womb or uterus any remaining products of conception becomes infected.
  5. 6. diabetes: when pregnant women never had diabetes before but have high glucose levels.
  6. 8. problems: receiving prenatal care following doctors advice good health .
  7. 9. abortion: some of products of conception exit the body.
  8. 12. abortion: all products of conception exit the body.
  1. 1. abortion: symptoms cannot be stopped, and miscarriage will happen.
  2. 4. the expulsion of a baby from the mothers body before week twenty of pregnancy.
  3. 7. birth: loss of fetus after twenty weeks of pregnancy.
  4. 10. problem: a physical or biochemical problem that is present at birth and may be caused by genetic or environmental factors.
  5. 11. abortion: pregnancy is lost and the products of conception do not exit the body.
  6. 13. a child born with diabetes and grows up with it.