Pregnancy review

  1. 1. Carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water are essential ____ a body needs to grow and function
  2. 3. Craving for non-food items
  3. 6. Period 9 weeks after conception until baby is born
  4. 11. Lanugo covers baby
  5. 12. Medical doctor specializing in pregnancy and birth
  6. 13. Period when body parts form, umbilical cord joins baby
  7. 15. A physical or biochemical problem in a baby that is present at birth and may be caused by genetics or environmental factors
  8. 17. Most likely turned head down
  9. 18. Eyelids and eyebrows visible
  10. 19. Fingernails form
  1. 2. Veins have developed
  2. 4. An abnormality that causes deficits in speech, swallowing, eye movements, and gait
  3. 5. Condition that causes deficits in communication, learning, behaviors, and social skills
  4. 7. Baby is 8 inches long and weighs 1 lb
  5. 8. Baby the size of a lab puppy
  6. 9. Heart starts beating
  7. 10. Baby starts kicking and swallowing
  8. 14. Period when egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube
  9. 16. Chromosomal error birth defect