Preppers' world

  1. 2. end of the world 1 word
  2. 4. a natural disaster common in the US
  3. 7. device to access food that keeps for long in 2 words
  4. 8. keeps your hands clean without water in 2 words
  5. 10. needed to communicate from far in 2 words
  6. 12. device that is polyvalent in use a hyphened word
  7. 15. learn it to survive in 2 words
  8. 18. needed if no fire in 2 words
  9. 21. liquid in recipient for survival in 2 words
  10. 23. most American preppers have this
  11. 24. useful to revamp your batteries in 2 words
  1. 1. hyphenated adjective to describe the world after a nuclear war for example
  2. 3. another word for prepper
  3. 5. state of affairs that is terrible
  4. 6. useful to cut
  5. 9. a place that is built to resist where you can hide to survive in 2 words
  6. 11. better have it or grope in the dark a hyphened word
  7. 13. needed to sleep
  8. 14. cuts wood
  9. 16. you need it to drive away
  10. 17. terrible event preppers fear
  11. 19. will buy you things when banks close
  12. 20. has medical things in it in 3 words
  13. 22. either that or dream on the floor in 2 words