Present Continues
- 3. Arul is ... a plate of fried rice
- 8. fishing
- 11. singing
- 13. sedang belajar
- 14. We ... writting a letter
- 15. sedang melihat
- 16. we are ... the music in the classroom
- 17. sleeping
- 19. sedang bermain
- 20. I ... reading a book
- 1. sedang berjalan
- 2. Gebby is ... a bottle of milk
- 4. My brothes is ... on the trampoline
- 5. sedang belari
- 6. They are ... naruto on television
- 7. talking
- 9. Mrs.Degesi ... talking about science
- 10. dancing
- 12. He ... swimming at the pool
- 18. you ... playing kite