Present Progressive, -ing verbs

  1. 4. tocando violin
  2. 5. when you are really, really tired
  3. 8. he is _______ the bus
  4. 10. estudiando
  5. 12. they are ______ in the cafeteria
  6. 14. I go _______ in the water
  7. 15. he is ________ cookies
  8. 17. sometimes, we go ______ in the park
  9. 19. Carlos is ______
  10. 22. we go _______ in the waves
  11. 23. bromeando
  12. 24. escuchando
  1. 1. estoy ganando!
  2. 2. llorando
  3. 3. soccer, volleyball, video games
  4. 6. perdiendo
  5. 7. walking in the mountains
  6. 9. mas rapido que walking
  7. 11. something you do with a book
  8. 13. brincando
  9. 16. opuesto de escuchando
  10. 18. she is ________ in the kitchen
  11. 20. estan reyendose
  12. 21. con papel y lapiz