Presidents Through The Centuries

  1. 4. Resigned before he could be impeached for the Watergate scandal
  2. 7. Responsible for writing the Monroe Doctrine
  3. 8. The first vice president to ascend to the presidency upon the death of the president
  4. 10. Signed the Affordable Care Act
  5. 12. Brought peace and prosperity to the U.S. in the aftermath of World War II. However, he also presided over the beginnings of the Korean War and the Cold War
  6. 14. He was the first president elected after women nationwide had gained the right to vote.
  7. 17. Was president during 9/11, sent military force into Afghanistan in response
  8. 18. Led the U.S. toward expansion of trade in the Far East and helped resolve a number of brewing conflicts before they could get out of control
  9. 19. Was president during the Great Railroad Strike of 1877
  10. 20. The only president to ever be elected to more than 2 terms. Brought us out of the Great Depression and into World War II
  11. 22. The only president who also served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
  12. 23. Responsible for Louisiana Purchase and pushed boundaries of our nation west of the Mississippi River
  13. 24. Set the precedent for a two term maximum
  14. 25. Became president after the previous one resigned due to the Watergate Scandal
  15. 28. The first president born a US citizen without British or Irish ancestry
  16. 32. Signed the Indian Citizenship Act, giving full citizenship to all Native Americans
  17. 34. Signed the Emancipation Proclamation and started the United States on the path toward becoming a truly free and equal country
  18. 36. Urged California’s leaders to draft a state constitution and apply for statehood without first becoming a territory
  19. 38. Pulled the U.S. out of the Iran deal
  1. 1. During the duration of his 2 terms, he brought new territories into U.S. control — Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines
  2. 2. Was president when the economy crashed, leading to the Great Depression
  3. 3. Became the first president to hire a full-time bodyguard
  4. 5. He proudly nominated the first black Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall
  5. 6. Founded Habitat for Humanity and won a Nobel Peace Prize
  6. 9. His wife started the “Say No To Drugs” campaign
  7. 11. Worked to improve conditions for both African Americans and Native Americans, however many of his efforts toward civil rights were blocked by resistance from Congress and the Southern Democrats
  8. 13. Signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), created the world's largest free trade zone
  9. 14. Signed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act into law, which was designed to protect consumers from the negative effects of cartels and monopolies
  10. 15. He brought the Reconstruction era near its close, admitting the last of the Confederate states back to the union and ensuring that none would secede again.
  11. 16. The only president to serve two terms that didn’t occur back to back. Also became the first president to be filmed
  12. 21. Brought us the beginnings of the interstate highway system and the end of segregation in schools and the military
  13. 26. Formed the Democratic Party, as well as the 2 party system we see today
  14. 27. As he struggled for life after being shot in the heat of the summer, a system was devised to cool his room — it’s considered by many to be the world’s first air conditioner
  15. 29. He is most remembered for is presiding over the beginnings of the Civil War
  16. 30. Was president during The War of 1812
  17. 31. The first president born in the 20th century, the first Catholic president, the first president to win a Pulitzer Prize
  18. 33. The U.S. Naval Academy began during his time in office
  19. 35. The beginning of Prohibition started at the end of his presidential career — though he vetoed the Volstead Act, Congress passed it anyway
  20. 37. Created canals and roads to help improve infrastructure of the US