Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

  1. 3. Achieving weight and activity goals may prevent you from needing some of this.
  2. 6. When talking about diabetes, this is another word for sugar.
  3. 9. Different than a serving size, this is the amount that you actually eat.
  4. 11. These should be small, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound.
  5. 12. This is the best level for physical activity.
  6. 13. Reduce intake of this nutrient to 50% or less of daily calories.
  7. 14. An event that kicks off an urge to do something.
  8. 15. Nutritions in this type of grain include fiber, unsaturated fat, protein, vitamins and minerals.
  9. 17. Loaded in saturated fat, sodium and sometimes sugar, it is best to eat less of this.
  10. 19. This is a simple, visual tool for helping to know how much of different food groups to include at meals.
  1. 1. This type of grain, found in white bread and white rice, will very quickly increase blood sugar.
  2. 2. This can increase blood sugar levels so its important to find ways to relax.
  3. 4. This form of carbohydrate helps keep you regular, feeling full longer and slows the response of insulin.
  4. 5. Building these can increase strength, improve self-confidence, mood and sleep, boost metabolism and more.
  5. 7. If you can do this while exercising, you may want to put in a bit more effort.
  6. 8. This is type of fat is good for your heart.
  7. 9. The goal for this is 150 minutes per week.
  8. 10. Choose lean meats and plant sources to get enough of this nutrient.
  9. 16. This a tool to help keep track of what you have eaten, at what time, in what amount.
  10. 18. Examples of this type of fat found are found in fried and processed foods, baked goods & pastries.