Primary Health Care Approaches in OT - course crossword

  1. 4. The medical, behavioural, socio-environmental health promotion model was created by ...?
  2. 5. A need defined by the community
  3. 6. A social determinant that focuses on children
  4. 7. A stage of McKinlay's health promotion model that addresses the causes of the causes of ill health
  5. 10. We all belong to at least one of these
  6. 11. Not selective
  7. 14. An ongoing process of action and reflection on the part of the practitioner is called Cultural ...?
  8. 16. A type of diagram you can use with a community when trying to get to the root cause of a problem
  1. 1. One of the key pillars of Primary Health Care
  2. 2. Everyone has one
  3. 3. The commitment made at the conclusion of the first health promotion conference was called the...?
  4. 8. The birth place of Primary Health Care
  5. 9. The opposite of top down
  6. 12. Fairness
  7. 13. A need defined by professionals or experts
  8. 15. The invisible glue that binds a community