Principal Cell Phone Challenge

  1. 3. Technology helps all of us, but it is also good to do ___ things. (11)
  2. 4. Where is the school located?
  3. 6. What is the name of the principal?
  4. 8. Most parents ___ about their kids' screen time.
  5. 11. What excuse do some parents use when they use technology too much? (6)
  6. 13. The students could NOT call ___ to chat. (8)
  7. 14. Other students hung out with friends and one family had a huge ___ fight. (10)
  8. 17. The principal challenged her ___ school students to spend less time on their electronic devices.
  9. 18. The principal was worried about the effects of too much ___ time on her students. (1)
  10. 19. During the challenge, the students could get phone calls from ___. (8)
  11. 20. There were 160 ___ in the school.
  12. 21. The principal wanted the students to solve ___ without technology. (8)
  13. 23. The principal said she would pay $100 to any student who ___ up their technology.
  14. 24. The principal's idea is to take ___ steps and power off one day or one hour a week. (12)
  15. 26. There were 78 students who ___ the challenge.
  1. 1. There were 38 students who ___.
  2. 2. Many children ___ that they use technology too much. (6)
  3. 5. The principal wanted the students NOT to use any technology every Tuesday for the whole ___.
  4. 7. After the challenge the principal feels more ___ about her students surviving without technology. (3)
  5. 8. She believes that everyone can do it and everyone ___. (12)
  6. 9. Parents are not always the best role ___ for putting away the phone. (6)
  7. 10. The principal said that students text each other at 3 or 4 in the ___.
  8. 12. During the challenge, some students ___. Some read.
  9. 15. The principal wanted the students to discipline themselves and see what it was like to ___ without screens for a day or a week to see what happens.
  10. 16. Screen time is the amount of time someone uses ___ like a computer, cell phone, video game, tv, etc.
  11. 22. The principal worried that the students were not getting enough ___. (7)
  12. 25. Using technology too much has ___ effects in school. (7)