PRO 101 Syllabus
- 5. Project utilizing Michael Manasco info
- 7. What is the number of credit hours for this course?
- 8. Points for monthly opener
- 9. Percentage deduction for late work
- 12. UAH student org coming to class Feb 16
- 13. Type of academic dishonesty
- 16. SHC will discuss this program on March 1
- 17. Breakdown of assignments & due dates
- 18. When journals and quizzes are due
- 19. Textbook for this course
- 1. Topic of Jan 22 and 24 class
- 2. UAH's emergency notification system
- 3. Examples are ASAP, SSC, Tutoring & PASS
- 4. What to do if you miss a class
- 6. Topic for March 22 class
- 10. UAH librarian presenting on Jan 12
- 11. UAH's technical support
- 14. Where is my office located?
- 15. UAH's Learning Management System