
  1. 4. Divine influence and guidance, attributed to Solomon in the writing of Proverbs.
  2. 6. Tranquil and calm, a state achieved by trusting in the Lord and acknowledging Him in all ways.
  3. 7. Seeking God's guidance requires a __________ and wise approach to life.
  4. 8. Connection and bond, deepened with God through trust, submission, and acknowledgment.
  5. 9. The valuable quality that Solomon, the author of Proverbs, was renowned for.
  6. 11. Assurance and commitment, God's _______ to direct our paths when we trust and acknowledge Him.
  7. 13. Divine direction and support from God, experienced when acknowledging Him in all our ways.
  8. 15. ______ in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
  9. 18. ________ and perseverance are qualities encouraged by Proverbs 3:5-6 in facing life's uncertainties.
  10. 20. The act of following God's commands, highlighted in the preceding verses of Proverbs 3:5-6.
  11. 21. Health and strength, results of fearing the Lord and avoiding evil, as per Proverbs 3:7-8.
  12. 22. God's power and control, acknowledged when we trust in Him and submit to His divine plan.
  1. 1. The essential virtue emphasized in Proverbs 3:1-4, along with love.
  2. 2. Surrendering oneself to God's will, as emphasized in the spiritual implications of Proverbs 3:5-6.
  3. 3. Challenges and difficulties in life, which trusting in the Lord helps individuals to navigate.
  4. 5. Well-being and success, promised to those who keep God's commands in their hearts.
  5. 7. Acknowledging God’s _______ in all our ways fosters a sense of His nearness and involvement in our lives.
  6. 10. Trusting in the Lord provides _______ to face life's challenges with hope and purpose.
  7. 12. God's instructions and principles, followed for a righteous and God-centered life, as in Proverbs.
  8. 14. Trusting the Lord wholeheartedly and not relying on our own _______ frees us from self-reliance.
  9. 16. God's supreme authority and power, emphasized in the theological significance of Proverbs 3:5-6.
  10. 17. A term for those who have faith in God, to whom Proverbs 3:5-6 offers valuable guidance.
  11. 19. Living in accordance with divine laws and morality, a focus of Proverbs and Proverbs 3:5-6.