Proggresive Movement

  1. 4. Upton Sinclair's muckraking novel
  2. 6. Seneca Falls was first convention for ______
  3. 7. His assasination led to TR becoming POTUS
  4. 8. 19 players ___ in one savage college football season
  5. 10. A football reform designed to make game safer
  6. 12. Government agency that protects consumers
  7. 13. TR nickname/enforcing Sherman AntiTrust Act
  8. 14. Early suffrage leader, Susan B. ________
  9. 15. Western states viewed women _____ to men
  1. 1. Sport TR enjoyed in college
  2. 2. John Muir is the Father of ________
  3. 3. TR -police commisioner and govenor of this state
  4. 5. number of national parks established by TR
  5. 9. Progressives wanted govt to ________ more
  6. 11. 19th Amendment grants this to women