Progressive Era

  1. 4. set aside 200 million acres of land for national forests, mineral reserves
  2. 6. Began in US in 1889 by Jane Addams at Hull House in Chicago
  3. 9. set aside money from sale of lands to fund irrigation projects in arid states
  4. 10. Outlawed monopolies and practices that result in the restraint of trade
  5. 11. A means by which a petition signed by a certain minimum number of registered voters can force a public vote.
  6. 12. Formed in 1909 to advance the cause of African Americans
  7. 14. antitrust Strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act by spelling out specbusinessesivities business could not do
  1. 1. one of the first national parks
  2. 2. citizens demand via petition
  3. 3. Wanted to eliminate alcohol consumption
  4. 5. A procedure by which voters can remove an elected official
  5. 7. the _________ amendment allowed for the collection of income taxes
  6. 8. Voters wanted a direct say in who represented them
  7. 13. Outlawed interstate transportation of impure foods and deliberate mislabeling of food and drugs